The Werth measuring machine can be used efficiently straight away. Werth supplies a turnkey measuring machine including fixtures and measuring programmes for selected workpieces. Proof of measuring equipment capability guarantees reliable operation. Created measuring programmes can be supplemented by the user or alternatively maintained by Werth experts. This guarantees economical utilisation of Werth coordinate measuring machines with optimum results.
- 3D free-form workpieces
- Extruded workpieces
- Moulds
- Semiconductor workpieces
- Lithographic structures
- Metal-plastic composite workpieces
- Prismatic workpieces
- Stamped and bent parts
- Packaging
- Shaft-hub connections
- Shafts and axles
- Workpieces with micro-features
- Workpieces with optical functional surfaces
- Tools with geometrically defined cutting edges
- Tools with geometrically undefined cutting edges
- Gear wheels
- Cylindrical workpieces
- Industries
- Products
- Service
- About Werth
- Careers
- Foundation
- Publications
- Downloads