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Flexible and largely surface-independent measurement by contact with a stylus tip

With tactile metrology, the workpiece can be probed from all sides. Conventional measuring and tactile-optical styluses and micro-probes with different stylus systems and features are available for tactile 3D measurements of bores, cylindrical surfaces and strongly inclined planes.

Measuring stylus SP25M
Measuring stylus SP25M
Measuring stylus SP80
Measuring stylus SP80
Werth Fiber Probe® WFP 2D
Werth Fiber Probe® WFP 2D
Werth Fiber Probe® WFP 3D
Werth Fiber Probe® WFP 3D
Werth Contour Probe WCP
Werth Contour Probe WCP
Switching stylus TP200
Switching stylus TP200
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